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2020-12-10 08:58:57 admin
USD/JPYUSD/JPY small-bodied candles indicate that although weak, sentiment has a bullish bias. The move is only likely to go as far as the descending trendline


USD/JPY small-bodied candles indicate that although weak, sentiment has a bullish bias. The move is only likely to go as far as the descending trendline as the longer-term bearish move continues. The pair continues to edge towards the apex of the triangle. Momentum indicators have flattened in bearish territory.

USD/JPY 小阳烛表明,尽管疲软,但市场情绪偏向看涨。随着长期看跌行情的继续,此举可能只会延伸至下降趋势线。继续向三角形的顶点倾斜。动量指标在看跌地区趋于平缓


The Eurodollar hangs mid-range between the 1.192- 1.222 price levels. Price action will likely be subdued until fundamental factors become more apparent. A momentum indicators have flattened in bullish territory, however, RSI has turned back towards the 70 resistance line.

Eurodollar 徘徊在1.192-1.222价格水平的中间区间。在基本面因素变得更加明显之前,价格走势可能会减弱。动量指标在看涨地区趋于平缓,但是RSI已转回70阻力线。


XAUUSD has climbed back to the 1860.18 price level at which point, price action has stalled. The metal has re-entered into a consolidation channel where price action has oscillated for the last couple of months. Buyers appetite appears to be waning. Momentum indicators have sharp upward trajectories.



The WS30 has struggled to move passed the 30,035.56 resistance level with a tussle occurring at the top of the trading range and full break yet to be established. Overall, the longer-term trajectory for price action is bullish. Momentum indicators suggest there is further upside potential and have flattened in bullish territory.


In the event of any discrepancies between the Chinese version and English version of the Daily Insights, the latter shall prevail.


This article is to be used only as a reference, not as a basis for trading.

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