GOLDWELL:GBPUSD Cautious reaction after central banks
The U.S. dollar had a topsy turvy end of the week following the adoption by the Bank of England and the European CENTRAL Bank of slightly more restrictive posit
交易商GOLDWELLGOLDWELL:聯儲局議息會後 黃金谷底反彈
美國聯儲局週三(15 日)議息一致決定維持利率0至0.25厘不變,符合市場預期。在會後發布的預測顯示2022年將加息3次,市場預料美國最快明年4月首次加息。聯儲局曾在9月份預計明年僅
交易商GOLDWELLGOLDWELL:GOLD Price fails to react after US inflation figures
U.S. consumer prices rose in November at the fastest Pace in nearly 40 years. Prices rose 6.8% last month compared to November 2020, after +6.2% in October. Thi
交易商GOLDWELLGOLDWELL:Daily Market Recap – EURUSD Will the euro continue to fall against the US dollar?
The dollar continues to strengthen against the euro after the U.S. Federal Reserve announced that it would be premature to start raising rates now. In addition,
交易商GOLDWELLGOLDWELL:美聯儲定下縮表時間表 黃金短線走弱
交易商GOLDWELLGOLDWELL:Daily Market Recap – GOLD Falling inflation expectations threaten gold’s recovery run
The price of gold has benefited relatively well from the rise in inflation expectations and the fall in long-term bond yields (against a backdrop of CENTRAL ban
交易商GOLDWELLGOLDWELL:Daily Market Recap – ETHUSD Price Target Above ATH?
Ethereum, the second-largest cryptocurrency reached a new all-time high on Friday. The cryptocurrency rose 3.75 percent to $4,450 surpassing the previous high o
交易商GOLDWELLGOLDWELL:Daily Market Recap – Gold prices benefit from rising inflation outlook
The price of gold continues to rebound, regaining its mid-September level of about $1800, thanks to rising investor inflation expectations. Indeed, the famous
交易商GOLDWELLGOLDWELL:Daily Market Recap – DXY Dollar falls to a two-week low
Thedollar is under short-term pressure following weak U.S. economic data, areassuring speech by Jerome Powell on the Fed's upcoming tapering, and aclear res
交易商GOLDWELLGOLDWELL:市場態度謹慎 靜待非農數據
交易商GOLDWELLGOLDWELL:Daily Market Recap – GBPUSD The British Pound Could Return To $1.30
Afterseveral months of consolidation, the GBPUSD looks set for a bearishreversal. The pair broke out of its long-term range on Thursday, pavingthe way for a bea
交易商GOLDWELLGOLDWELL:Daily Market Recap – USOIL Trading at 3-month lows
Oilprices have been hit by the “risk-off” mode that has gripped themarkets, as concerns about the spread of Covid continuing to mount andthe Fed hinting that
交易商GOLDWELLGOLDWELL:阿富汗局勢存隱憂 黃金小幅上漲
交易商GOLDWELLGOLDWELL:GBPUSD Pound remains unchanged despite rebound of the British GDP
The British pound remained unchanged on the forex market in the wake of the expected 4.8% rebound in British GDP in the second quarter.Thanks to the lifting of
今日黄金td午盘开盘价格(2020年10月23日) 今日上海黄金td午盘开盘价格(2020年10月23日) 今日黄金td午盘开盘价格 40
[交易商GOLDWELL]棉花价格有所抬升 后续能否延续回涨
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